Below find our offerings of eastern American woodlanders. We also offer a fantastic selection of Asian and European woodlanders in our main perennial section. If you are unfamiliar with the Asian species and need some help give us a call, we would be happy to help you choose. Note that the woodlanders marked with an * ship either early to mid march or summer dormant. Our main issue is shipping damage which is avoided by shipping dormant plants, early ship dates are not only good for the plants they reduce the chance we will run out of something.

If you are looking for larger quantities, please mail or fax us and ask for the large quantity wildflower and fern list

ACTEA PACHYPODA ................................................................................... PRICE 1@ $8.00

Cimicifuga bah humbug, that kind of taxonomy will get you cursed by the Bride of Chucky;
complete with dead looking black centered white eyes. The fluffy white bottlebrush flowers are
followed by evil looking poisonous fruits hence the name White Baneberry.

*APLECTRUM HYEMALE ........................................................................... PRICE 1@ $8.00

Beautiful pleated foliage stays green all winter then the foliage dies down and the flowers arise
before the new leaves. Once common in rich woods it was decimated by collecting for window
putty. It forms a chain of connected bulbs and may be propagated by detaching back bulbs.

*ARISAEMA TRIPHYLLUM ........................................................................ PRICE 1@ $6.50

Our native jack, hooded blossoms striped green or purple with a white spadix hidden inside
followed by large clusters of conspicuous scarlet berries. They are being decimated in many
areas by wild turkeys. These avian rototillers are starting to rival deer and bunnies in terms of
garden damage.

ASARUM ARIFOLIUM .................................................................................. PRICE 1@ $6.50

One of the commonest evergreen native gingers, leaves have a distinctive arrowhead shape
and may be either solid green or marked with silvery blotches. Flowers are curious brown jugs-.

ASARUM CANADENSE ............................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Excellent carpeting plants for woodland gardens. Flowers are tubby maroon jugs concealed
beneath the heart shaped deciduous leaves that rise 6" on silky petioles. Our native wild ginger
is reputed to be an alternate food plant for the beautiful Pipevine Swallowtail.

ASARUM SHUTTLEWORTHII .................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Another native ginger with beautiful glossy heart-shaped leaves often mottled and veined with
silver, this is the plant that circulates in the trade as shuttleworth, reasonably large but variable
flowers and a distinctly running habit, an excellent plant but slow to establish in the garden.

*CAULOPHYLLUM THALICTROIDES ..................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Uncurling rue-like leaves glow with reddish purple, giving rise to clusters of yellow green flowers
followed by glorious long lasting blue berries which are the main attraction and give rise to the
common name Blue Cohosh.

CONVALLARIA MONTANA ........................................................................ PRICE 1@ $8.00

The American version of Lily Of The Valley, this runs forming tufts a couple feet away from the
parent plant but unlike the common version is not a nuisance, indeed in the wild, it is rather rare.
Fred said he seldom encounters it while searching for trilliums.

*CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA ........................................................................ PRICE 1@ $6.50

Bugbane, Leopards Bane, Wolfsbane, wishful thinking at best, but great in terms of ornamental
value, Bugbane puts on an impressive display in the late summer woodland garden sending its
spires of white to six feet or more, bugs remain unimpressed.

CLINTONIA BOREALIS ............................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Foliage could be mistaken for a small orchid, the umbels of yellowish green flowers are not
extremely showy, but the blue berries that follow are quite attractive.

*CYPRIPEDIUM ACAULE ......................................................................... PRICE 1@ $19.00

A difficult plant for most people to cultivate Pink Lady.s Slipper, it requires very acid soils (pH
4.5), lay crowns directly on top of the ground, and cover them with sifted pine needle duff. Use
care in watering until established, in the right setting it can form large colonies rather quickly and
is positively easy. Habitats can be diverse; it can form large colonies in nearly pure sand in
power line cuts or be a weed under high-bush blueberry on pure sphagnum in deep shade.

DICENTRA CANADENSIS .......................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

An exquisite little woodlander, with attractive ferny foliage and pink tinged white flowers like a
tiny Bleeding Heart; Squirrel Corn bulbs are naturally tiny like kernels of corn, but it can form
wide colonies over time.

DICENTRA CUCULLARIA ........................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Almost identical to canadensis in foliage, the bulbs are much different and the fat white golden-
throated flowers of cucullaria look like a tiny pair of white pants, not just any pants but
Dutchman.s breeches, it too can form extensive patches.

DIPHYLLEA CHYMOSA ............................................................................ PRICE 1@ $12.00

An unusual May Apple relative Umbrella Leaf, it sends up a pair of huge peltate leaves, with a
cluster of showy white flowers on a 3' stem, if you like bold foliage effects this one is a must, its
a favorite of Fred Case who has an amazingly huge clump in his garden. Those of you with a
phytogeographic scheme can try combining it with Dysosma veitchii. Or it.s Asian counterpart
Diphyllea grayi.

DODECATHEON MEDIA .............................................................................. PRICE 1@ $6.50

Perhaps the easiest of all the shooting stars this loves a wet spot (don.t we all), the showy
heads of pendant cyclamen like flowers are perfect with it.s candelabra primula cousins.

*EPIGEA REPENS ...................................................................................... PRICE 1@ $19.00

Trailing ericaceous woody mat-former with evergreen leathery leaves and deliciously fragrant
pink and white bells; its not as difficult as reputed, but takes care to establish. Even the well-
rooted clumps we ship are very slow to establish a new root system after being transplanted.
Plant them on an acid partly shaded site and be very careful not to let them dry to a crisp the
first summer, it is fatal. Once established they endure most everything. To get a feel for how
long it takes them to establish pot up a clump and watch how long it takes the roots to circle and
fill the pot. If you have smelled them in the spring, you know they are worth any amount of effort.

ERYTHRONIUM ALBIDUM ......................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Ethereal white flowers like a precious and tiny pendant lily arise between mottled leaves. It is
reputed they flower better if you place a flat rock beneath the bulb when you plant it to prevent
the contractile roots from pulling the bulb too deep to flower, Fred uses super phosphate and
gets tons of flowers. Terribly slow from seed.

ERYTHRONIUM AMERICANUM ............................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Our common native species, it forms huge colonies of speckled leaves often with few flowers,
flat rocks and superphosphate helps.

*GALAX APHYLLA ...................................................................................... PRICE 1@ $12.00

Creamy white flowers on slender racemes and shiny heart shaped leaves that are often used in
Christmas decorations. The leathery leaves sit on long petioles and make a wonderful
groundcover for under Rhododendrons; this can form large colonies rather quickly under the
right conditions, but needs a shady acid site, foliage is much like Shortia, its much easier to
please but not as elegant.

*GAULTHERIA PROCUMBENS ............................................................... PRICE 1@ $12.00

An evergreen creeper for acid soils, this was once the source of wintergreen flavoring, indeed
the aromatic red berries are quite tasty (if only they were juicy) and persist for months,
sometimes even being present along with the white urn shaped flowers. It is slow to establish
but quite easy once you get it going.

GILLENIA TRIFOLIATA ............................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

This unassuming plant features 1" white flowers freely produced on 3' bushy plants. One author
has proposed Bowman.s Root as a much better alternative to Gaura lindheimeri.

GOODYEREA PUBESCENS ........................................................................ PRICE 1@ $8.00

Beautifully netted and mottled with white the leaves are more ornamental than the small white
orchid flowers. Rattlesnake Plantain is a good terrarium plant and relatively easy in the garden,
although it has nothing to do with rattlesnakes or plantain.

HEPATICA ACUTILOBA .............................................................................. PRICE 1@ $8.00

This Hepatica forms much stronger clumps than H. americana. The leaves have sharp three
pointed lobes and the white, pale blue, or pink flowers are more numerous than those of
americana. This prefers a more neutral to alkaline soil than H. americana, and here in Michigan
it is a much rarer plant.

HEPATICA AMERICANA ............................................................................. PRICE 1@ $8.00

One of my favorite woodlanders, often growing in great abundance on slopes, flower color
ranges from blue to pink and white, rich colored form are highly sought after, foliage too can be
variable and many plants show excellent mottling on the leaves.

HYDRASTIS CANADENSE .......................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Goldenseal is probably more popular for its reputation as a medicinal than for its ornamental
value. Still the umbrella like leaves and crimson berries are not without garden merit.

JEFFERSONIA DIPHYLLA .......................................................................... PRICE 1@ $8.00

A choice plant with l" wide pure white flowers, named for Thomas Jefferson Twinleaf is one of
the finest native American plants and has a distinctive quality all its own, I wish the arabidopsis
folks would double the petals which should make the flowers longer lasting. The only other
species in the genus, Jeffersonia dubia, is found in Japan.

LILIUM SUPERBUM TURKS CAP LILY .................................. SEE THE BULB SECTION

*MERTENSIA VIRGINICA ........................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Virginia blue Bells are prized for their display of lovely sky blue flowers in the spring, very
beautiful when massed in a shady spot; an easy plant (unlike the western alpine species) that
belongs in every garden.

*MITCHELLA REPENS ............................................................................... PRICE 1@ $12.00

An elegant ground cover with flat sprays of dark glossy evergreen leaves with pairs of sweet
white flowers like a long-tubed Jasmine followed by scarlet berries, Partridge Berry is a very
aristocratic plant that is never weedy. Mitchella ranks as one of the best ground covers for
shade, just the thing to plant under your pear tree.

*ORCHIS SPECTABILIS ............................................................................ PRICE 1@ $12.00

Not the easiest of native orchids, Showy Orchis requires deep well drained soil with lots of leaf
mould. It definitely needs shade and good air circulation. I would suggest trying it on a wooded
slope in a mixed setting with other woodland wildflowers. From a pair of basal leaves arise 12"
flowering spikes with up to ten 1" rosy purple white-lipped flowers. This can form nice clumps if
it is happy.

PANAX QUINQUIFOLIA ............................................................................ PRICE 1@ $12.00

Ginseng, nice seed grown plants several years old and flowering size, an attractive ornamental,
it has suffered from over collecting for the herb trade, as a medicinal it contains a bunch of
different glycosides, but I'm a bit dubious of a plant that supposedly cures that many different

*PODOPHYLLUM PELTATUM ................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Large umbrella-like leaves have a lush opulent beauty, almost hiding the large waxy white
flowers, and fruits that make a tasty jelly, get them before the chipmunks! People are starting to
cross our native May Apple with some of the Asian Dysosma species with spectacular results.

POLYGONATUM BIFLORUM ..................................................................... PRICE 1@ $8.00

Graceful arching sprays & small hanging clusters of creamy white bells in the leaf axils followed
by greenish berries. Polygonatum is a much more diverse genus in Asia and we offer many of
the Asian counterparts in the main perennial section, they mix well in the garden.

*SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS ................................................................. PRICE 1@ $6.50

Lovely blue gray leaves daintily lobed and scalloped with large flowers of transparent
opalescent white, like the ghost of some huge anemone on 6 to 9" stems. Besides the famous
fully double form, Bloodroot often has light pink or extra petaled forms, as well and plants with
heavily dissected leaves.

ASIAN BLOODROOT ...................................................................... See Eomecon chionantha

SAURURUS CERNUUS .......................................................................... See the perennial list

SMILACINA RACEMOSA ............................................................................. PRICE 1@ $8.00

Husky woodland plants of considerable beauty, the arching stems of False Solomon.s Seal
carry fluffy white flowers in plume like terminal racemes followed by berries like vitrified drops of
bright blood in autumn. Smilacina too has some Asian counterparts, which are great garden

STYLOPHORUM DIPHYLLUM ................................................................... PRICE 1@ $8.00

Large mounds of handsome deeply cut leaves; with 2" single yellow poppies on delicate stems
produced in succession throughout the summer, unlike its Asian counterpart diphyllum is not

TIPULARIA DISCOLOR ............................................................................... PRICE 1@ $8.00

A curious little orchid, flowers are strange and are said to resemble Crane Flies, (those long
legged flying things that look like giant mosquitoes, Ender is one of the few people I know who
actually calls them Crane flies). As to the orchid, it grows from a bulbous root a bit like
Aplectrum with similar foliar vicissitudes. They are rather cute, and relatively easy to grow

*TRILLIUM CATESBAEI ........................................................................... PRICE 1@ $12.00

A small species with nodding flowers, we grow a mix of pink and the rarer alpine white forms, in
general it is slow to clump up however I have seen large clumps in the case garden.

*TRILLIUM CUNEATUM 'SESSILE OF HORT. ...................................... PRICE 1@ $8.00

Toad Shade, I love the name; I just wish my toads would use them. Large mottled leaves with
red flowers in the axil. Flowers are not as sweet as luteum but who cares, a must for every
collection. Cuneatum has been widely sold under the name sessile for years.

*TRILLIUM CUNEATUM DARK FORMS ............................................... PRICE 1@ $19.00

Seed grown from selected dark forms from our garden, most of these have flowered and were
very nice, dark flowers with excellent leaf markings.

*TRILLIUM ERECTUM ................................................................................ PRICE 1@ $8.00

A wide ranging eastern species typically with maroon red flowers on a stem above the leaves, it
forms stunning hybrids with flexipes and indeed is so precocious with other plants in it.s section
that it can be hard to find a completely pure strain. According to Fred, red forms are more
common at higher elevations.

*TRILLIUM ERECTUM LUTEUM .............................................................. PRICE 1@ $8.00

A showy cream to yellow strain of Trillium erectum, generally with some hybrids mixed in. our
plants are not pure although as the flower we do try to sort them out. Most are creamy with rich
yellows showing up every now and then.


These ae selections with reasonably good color and a dwarf clumping habit, seed grown

*TRILLIUM FLEXIPES ................................................................................. PRICE 1@ $8.00

Nodding, white, sweet scented flowers are the attraction here. They prefer a somewhat neutral
to alkaline soil and nod to varying degrees with northern forms often carrying their flowers below
the leaves. The name apparently refers to the knee like bend at the top of the pedicel. Ovaries
are typically white with pink streaks

*TRILLIUM GRANDIFLORUM ................................................................... PRICE 1@ $8.00

It.s a weed here but a glorious one, the huge white flowers fade to pink as they age; good pink
forms and doubles are legendary, At least some of the pinks seem to breed true from seed,
doubles are another matter but they are starting to tissue culture some of them. I you wish to
search for doubles look at the end of the season, the doubles tend to bloom later and hold their
petals longer than the singles, making them stand out at a considerable distance.

*TRILLIUM LUTEUM ................................................................................. PRICE 1@ $12.00

A large yellow trillium similar to Trillium cuneatum but with large sweet smelling yellow flowers
sitting in the center of the mottled leaves, Luteum and cuneatum will hybridize and to confuse
the matter further there are yellow forms of cuneatum and red forms of luteum. Luteum has a
lemon scent, while cuneatum is more like Calycanthus, and some of the hybrids have a
wonderful apple scent. It is restricted to a rather narrow range near the North Carolina
Tennessee border but is very adaptable to gardens outside its range.

*TRILLIUM RECURVATUM ........................................................................ PRICE 1@ $8.00

Small, maroon red, reflexed petals, a very unusual trillium, and almost impossible to misidentify,
Prairie Trillium seems to prefer clay floodplain soils or rich woods over limestone. It is easy and
long lived in the garden.

*TRILLIUM STYLOSUM ............................................................................ PRICE 1@ $12.00

Little miniature undulatums these came to us as stylosum, which they are probably not, pusillum
seems closer to it, although after a while you begin to wonder if any pure trilliums other than
grandiflorum exist in cultivation.

TRILLIUM STAMINEUM ............................................................................. PRICE 1@ $19.00

A fantastic and rarely offered species found mostly along the border between Alabama and
Mississippi, a member of the sessile group but with the petals flattened horizontal and twisted
like a propeller, (unlike the author who is just plain twisted), the stamens are large and erect and
eye-catching, not to mention nose catching with a strong carrion scent.

TRILLIUM WALLPOLEI/ BILLINGTONII ................................................ PRICE 1@ $19.00

These are seed grown plants (flowering size or nearly so) from a group of mixed walepolii and
billingtonii plants that we acquired several years back, the names are no longer recognized, and
are now considered to be hybrids between northern flexipes and erectum. The parent plants
that we retained for our garden have clumped amazingly, creating an impressive display in the
garden; everyone who sees them wants them.

*TRILLIUM VIRIDESCENS ........................................................................ PRICE 1@ $12.00

An unusual western sessile species from the Missouri Okalahoma border regions, flowers tend
to be bicolored with a dark purple base shading to green at the top. Solid blackish purple and
pure green forms also occur; it has proven easy and long-lived for us (the Europeans have a
hard time with it)

*TRILLIUM VASEYI .................................................................................... PRICE 1@ $12.00

These are nearly pure vaseyi although a bit of hybrid influence does creep in; the huge flowers
are dark maroon purple and tend to be held beneath the large rhombic leaves

UVULARIA GRANDIFLORA ........................................................................ PRICE 1@ $6.50

The perfoliate leaves glabrous above pubescent beneath, the dangling 5 cm bright yellow
flowers are very showy and the plants naturalize well, Bellwort is perfect mixed with
Polygonatums and Disporums in a woodland setting.

UVULARIA PERFOLIATA ............................................................................ PRICE 1@ $6.50

Like a demure Uvularia grandiflora, it is easily recognized by its dwarfer stature, curious
skewered foliage which is glabrous-glaucous both top and bottom, and pale yellow usually
solitary nodding flowers that are only 3.5cm in length.

UVULARIA SESSILIFOLIA .......................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

A smaller sessile leaved plant similar to U. carolina with straw colored bells on 45cm stems