Well, actually as I think about it not just minor bulbs but all kinds of bulbs; (are the others major bulbs? I never really gave it much thought), it’s a diverse listing whatever you call them. The bulbs we offer are almost all seed raised here at the nursery. It is a very slow business; they often take years just to germinate. In most cases, we have grown them for three or four years before we offer them and they still may be relatively small; even though many may have flowered. Most are rarely offered species with a special charm lacking in the commercial hybrids; and many are extremely rare in the wild. Occasionally this is due to over-collecting, but probably not as often as some of the alarmists would have you believe. More often, the problem is human pressure; land development, overgrazing, clear-cutting, and agriculture take a much heavier toll. Whatever the reasons for the decline of wild populations, growing and preserving them in gardens may help insure they never become extinct. Please do not confuse them
with the cheap hybrids sold by the mass marketers. Our bulbs are seed raised, and since relatively few viruses are seed transmitted, they are very disease free. Many of the imported bulbs carry all kinds of virus. I bought some cheap Lily bulbs once and ended up trashing many plants in my collection. Been there - killed that, now I'm more careful, the original plants did not die, but they transmitted their ills to many more sensitive plants. There is another advantage to seed raised bulbs, each is genetically different; from a conservation standpoint it is important to maintain the diversity of wild populations; and from a gardeners standpoint the subtle variations of form and color, and possibility of discovering a uniquely different new cultivar is what makes growing seed raised bulbs so interesting. A good analogy is the difference between buying an original oil painting as opposed to a piece of black velvet with Elvis silk screened on it. This year we have set up a new bulb house that will be open for retail early since many of these things bloom very early.

ALBUCA CANADENSIS ................................................................................ PRICE 1@ $6.50

Despite the name its from South Africa not Canada, oops Linnaeus, 20 to 40cm, edible bulbs,
flowers greenish yellow and rather showy in early spring.

ALBUCA SHAWII .......................................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

A rare and lovely bulbous thing from the Drakensburg, with succulean leaves that exude a
sweet scent when stroked, (I know it seems kinky) and bright yellow flowers with green stripes
and an almond scent.

ALLIUM KANSUENSE ................................................................................. PRICE 1@ $6.50

A choice little Allium from Josef Siegel in the Czech Republic, probably conspecific with
sikkimense var kansuense, we kept them separate; they represent new genetic material.

ALLIUM MAXIMOWICZII ALBA ................................................................ PRICE 1@ $6.50

18"; dense umbels of white flowers in late summer, endemic to alpine meadows on Honshu.

ALLIUM SIKKIMENSE .................................................................................. PRICE 1@ $6.50

10" nodding umbels of large blue flowers allied to beesianum, a choice; seldom-available rock
garden plant.

ALLIUM THUNBERGII ALBA ..................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Lovely snow white flowers is fall, Hammer brought us these and as near as we can tell they are
indeed thunbergii, however the plants are twice the size of 'Ozawa'.

ALOPHIA DRUMMONDII ............................................................................. PRICE 1@ $6.50

Native to the southern U.S. and southward it can form large patches on prairie sites, very showy
and well worth growing in warmer areas of the country, a bulb house plant in the north.

ALOPHIA (HERBERTIA) LAHUE ............................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Lavender blue Iris-like flowers with a darker splotch at the base, considered the best of the
genus; from Chile and Argentina to Texas also known under Eustylis, Trifurcia or Herbertia.

ALOPHIA LAHUE BCW 4407 ..................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

As above but from a wild collection.

AMARYLLIS 'RILANA' .................................................................................. PRICE 1@ $8.00

Propagated by a former employee, Flowers are huge and red. We've got a bunch of them and I
can't bring myself to dump them so we might as well sell a few.

AMORPHOPHALUS RIVIERI KOJAC ................... MEDIUM 1@ $19.00, SMALL 1@ $8.00

A huge aroid, leaf stems as big as your arm with intricate snakelike markings topped with
tropical looking foliage, huge purplish flowers with the wonderful aroma of rotting meat, hardy
here only with extreme protection, its best to dig the bulbs. We offer two bulb sizes.


Like a tiny 6" tall Gladiolus like plant (it has also been placed in freesia at one time) with showy
red or occasionally white flowers, its proven hardy here and will naturalize. It is even cute
enough for a trough.

ANOMATHECA CRUENTA ALBA .............................................................. PRICE 1@ $6.50

White flowered form of the above.

ANOMATHECA LAXA JOAN EVANS ....................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

A selected named form of the species flowers are white with a red basal blotch.

BELLEVALIA DUBIA ..................................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Flowers are Muscari-like, blue-violet in bud becoming greenish, Portugal to Turkey.

BELLEVALIA ROMANA (HYACINTHUS ROMANUS) ........................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

A loose raceme of creamy white flowers, plants are native from France to Yugoslavia.

BELLEVALIA SP. ........................................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

A grape hyasinth like mystery bulb, with clusters of blue flowers on short stems, this one is in
need of a name.

BRIMUREA AMETHYSTINUS ..................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

A Hyacinth from the Pyrenees with paired bracts at the base of each flower stalk.

BRIMUREA AMETHYSTINUS ALBA ........................................................ PRICE 1@ $6.50

A white version of the above.

BRODIAEA CALIFORNICA WAYNE RODRICK ..................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

One of the showiest species with umbels of a dozen or so bluish purple flowers atop 70cm
scapes, these are from a Wayne Rodrick collection.

CALYDOREA NUDA ..................................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Is your garden laking in nudes? Perhaps we can help. There are about a dozen species ranging
from the Southern US to Chile, most with six petaled blue-violet flowers that are quite showy,
the nude one must be shy because it is hiding (I understand somewhere in Uruguay) from the
writers of bulb books.

CHLOROGALUM POMERIDIUM V MINUS ............................................. PRICE 1@ $6.50

Ratko.s collections of a dwarf form of this seldom encountered bulb branched inflorescences
bear numerous 1 ½” starry white flowers above grassy tufts of foliage, these are restricted to
serpentine in the wild and will tolerate some shade.

COLCHICUM CORSICUM ........................................................................... PRICE 1@ $8.00

A dwarf late summer blooming Corsican endemic, it is similar to the more common European
Colchicum alpinum, but with shorter broader leaves.

COLCHICUM PUSILLUM .......................................................................... PRICE 1@ $12.00

A dwarf species from rocky hillsides in Greece and Cyprus with 1-6 white to pale rosy lilac
flowers in autumn.

COOPERIA HERBERTIANA ........................................................................ PRICE 1@ $6.50

Yet another of those confusing bulbs, as if there weren't enough already, I believe this is now
lumped into Zephyranthes.

CROCUS CORSICUS .................................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Spring flowering Corsican endemic, flowers lilac striped purple on the exterior with prominent
scarlet style branches.

CROCUS FLEISCHERI ................................................................................. PRICE 1@ $8.00

A tiny plant with yellow-throated white flowers native to Turkey and Rhodes, it can self-sow.

CROCUS HEUFFLIANUS ................................................................................. SEE VERNUS

CROCUS KOTSCHYANUS ......................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Turkey and nearby, veined lilac flowers, late summer to autumn blooming.

CROCUS KOTSCHYANUS KOTSCHYANUS ......................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

This is the easiest of the several subspecies, Turkish origins.

CROCUS KOTSCHYANUS VAR LEUCOPHARYNX ............................. PRICE 1@ $6.50

Fall flowering, bluish lavender flowers with blue veins and a white central zone, no yellow

CROCUS NUDIFLORUS .............................................................................. PRICE 1@ $8.00

Fall flowering the tall to 27cm, long tubed dark purple flowers are produced well before the
leaves, its a stoloniferus species native to Spain and southwestern France in moist meadows,
easily established due to its stoloniferus habit.

CROCUS PULCHELLUS ZEPHYR ............................................................. PRICE 1@ $6.50

Easy, and one of the most attractive of the autumn flowering species; veined blue flowers with a
orange yellow throat; Yugoslavia to Turkey.

CROCUS SEROTINUS ................................................................................. PRICE 1@ $6.50

Fall flowering Spanish species, pale to deep lilac flowers.

CROCUS TOMMASINIANUS ...................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Increases abundantly to the point of becoming a nuisance, lilac flowers with a white throat,
brings joy to bees and gardeners alike in early spring.

CROCUS TOMMASINIANUS WHITEWALL PURPLE ........................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

An old cultivated clone it remains one of the best, purple mauve exterior, silvery mauve within.

CROCUS TOURNIFORTII ........................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Very showy and choice autumn flowering species from the Aegean Islands, large broad petaled
deep pinkish lavender flowers and prominent much branched orange styles, flowers have an
interesting characteristic of remaining open in dull light.

CROCUS VERNUS ........................................................................................ PRICE 1@ $6.50

The prototype spring crocus, this subspecies occurs from Italy eastwards (they have now
lumped heufflianus here as well), purple flowered; its the parent of most of the Dutch hybrids.

CROCUS VERNUS ALBIFLORUS ............................................................. PRICE 1@ $6.50

An outstanding spring crocus with large white flowers.

CROCUS VERNUS HEUFFLEANUS ......................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Minor variations on a theme see the above.

CYRTANTHUS ELATUS ............................................................................ PRICE 1@ $12.00

George Lily, scapes to a meter or so topped with bright scarlet long tubed flowers

CYRTANTHUS ELATUS (VELLOTA) ..................................................... PRICE 1@ $12.00

All of these came from Warren Stoutmeyer but the labeling was a bit on the cryptic side, I
suspect this is a separate clone from the above.

CYRTANTHUS ELATUS VAR CUELLOTA .......................................... PRICE 1@ $12.00

The taxonomy of this group is a mess having been moved back and forth between several
genera, suffice it to say this is one of the best species a bit more pink than sanguineus.

CYRTANTHUS SANGUINEUS KOOPOWITZ ....................................... PRICE 1@ $12.00

These also came from Warren, who I assume got them from someone named Koopowitz, as I
can find no reference to this as a clonal name

CYRTANTHUS SANGUINEUS X VELLOTII ......................................... PRICE 1@ $12.00

A red flowered amaryllus like plant from south africa, growing a foot or so high with multitudes of
large red flowers.

CYRTANTHUS SANGUINEUS X ELATA .............................................. PRICE 1@ $12.00

Sanguineus crossed to elata one of the most beautiful species in the genus Previously known
as Vallota speciosa aka as George Lily, or Scarborough lily , it clumps up quickly and should be
regularly devided.

DIETES IRIDIOIDES ..................................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

There are six species of Dietes, Iridioides ranges from 6500. in the Drakensburg
northward.Flowers resemble a Japanese Iris, flat with white petals with yellow nectar guides and
a purple center, check out some of the photos on the web. If you see it, you will want it.

FERRARIA CRISPA ...................................................................................... PRICE 1@ $8.00

Incredible iridaceous plant from South Africa, the undulate tan flowers are spotted and streaked
with deep chestnut, it's hard to describe; you need to see it.

FRITILLARIA ACMOPETALA ..................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Native to Asia Minor, related to meleagris; hardy 12-14”; with up to 3 pendulous flowers; soft
green outer petals and red brown inner petals with reflexed tips.

FRITILLARIA BUCHARICA ......................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Native to northeastern Afghanistan and the Pamirs, horizontal to pendulous racemes of 4-7 off
white flowers with greenish veins, its more difficult than the Mediterranean species for us but
easier than the western ones.

FRITILLARIA CRASSIFOLIA ...................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Low growing thick textured leaves almost lily like with tubby pendant yellow flowers.

FRITILLARIA GRAECA ................................................................................ PRICE 1@ $6.50

A complex and variable species; flowers are green and red with a wonderful carrion fragrance,
graeca is a good species for beginners.

FRITILLARIA GRAECA GUSSICHIAE ...................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

I guess now its just Frit gussichiae, native from Greece to Yugoslavia, flowers are green with
reddish brown shading but not tessellated, with that irresistible spermatic scent. I wonder what
kind of pollinator its trying to attract.

FRITILLARIA PONTICA ............................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Dwarfer than the tall Lesbos form, it retains the enticing spermatic scent but lacks the Lesbos
touch of tessellation.

FRITILLARIA PONTICA SUBSTIPELATA .............................................. PRICE 1@ $6.50

From the Island of Lesbos, flowers are broadly campanulate, green tinged with reddish brown.
Spermatic scent drives those Lesbos folks crazy, and makes a good rock garden plant; at
Brigitta.s urging, I.ll resist the temptation to say more. (p.s. to whoever sent it, the fax from the
Isle of Lesbos Ministry of Tourism was hysterical)

FRITILLARIA PYRENAICA (NIGRA) ......................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

16" or so, large squared off bells usually dark, but clear yellow forms occur; one of the nicest

GALANTHUS NIVALIS 'CARPATHIAN GIANT' ..................................... PRICE 1@ $8.00

A larger flowering version of nivalis, very free blooming and one of the easiest galanthus

GEISSORRHIZA FULVA .............................................................................. PRICE 1@ $6.50

Starry yellow flowers on 6" stems, a cute little South African Irid related to Hesperantha.

GLADIOLUS CARNEUS ............................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Variable species usually 30-40cm tall sometimes more, flowers in a range of colors usually with
a contrasting horseshoe on the three lower petals.

GLADIOLUS CITRINUS ................................................................................ PRICE 1@ $6.50

15-25cm with symmetrical almost crocus-like bright yellow flowers with a maroon purple throat,
endemic to the Paarl and Stellenbosch areas of the Cape.

GLADIOLUS COMMUNIS BYZANTINUS ................................................ PRICE 1@ $6.50

Found wild on low mountain slopes in many parts of the Mediterranean region leaves basal and
sword-like, flowers appear in early summer purple red to rosy pink, several on each slender 20"
stem, hardy if planted deep and mulched.

GLADIOLUS GEARDII .................................................................................. PRICE 1@ $8.00

Also known as Gladiolus robustus, this South African species is hardy here, flowers are large
and pink and extremely showy.

GLADIOLUS HYB ATOM ............................................................................. PRICE 1@ $8.00

A large flowered hardy Glad that dick brought us a few years ago, , very showy but a bit slow to

GLADIOLUS OCHROLEUCUS .................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

South Africa 18-30" stems; funnel-shaped veined flowers in a wide range of colors, its
evergreen in mild climates.

GLADIOLUS TRISTIS ................................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Almost hardy, unusual rush like leaves to 3' one-sided spikes of 4-5 yellow white tubular
fragrant flowers South Africa.

GYNANDIRIS SETIFOLIA ........................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Once included in Iris, attractive alpine house or bulb frame plants, 6" pale blue to lilac and
yellow flowers.

HABRANTHUS ANDERSONII ..................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Flowers 2-4cm coppery red in bud opening yellow from Argentina and Chile.

HABRANTHUS ANDERSONII CUPREUS ................................................. PRICE 1@ $6.50

Aptly named, aureus is golden yellow even in bud.

HERBERTIA PRATENSIS ............................................................................. PRICE 1@ $6.50

Rarely offered member of the genus originally described as and alophia, there is a description of
the type speciman In Jstor if you want to read the gory details.

HERBERTIA PULCHELLA ........................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

A small genus in the Iridacaea seldom seen in cultivation; pulchella is from Chile, with dark
centered Iris-like flowers and pleated leaves.

HERMODACTYLIS TUBEROSUS .............................................................. PRICE 1@ $8.00

Snakes Head Iris, strangely beautiful with apple green and velvety black iris-like flowers, it's a
monotypic species from the Med. region and a favorite of mine.

HESPERANTHA BAURII (MOSSII) ........................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Bright pink flowers on 20cm stems from the summer rainfall area of the cape at altitudes to
2000m, dormant in N. hemisphere winters.

HIPPAESTRUM DWARF MIX ...................................................................... PRICE 1@ $8.00

A mix of dwarf forms quite unlike the huge monstrosities generally encountered.

HIPPAESTRUM SP.? 3594 .......................................................................... PRICE 1@ $8.00

Another dwarf form, these are from seed exchange seed.

HIPPAESTRUM SP.? BCW 5038 ............................................................... PRICE 1@ $8.00

From a John Watson collection, these look like they are going to be small and I would expect
tender, treat them like a miniature amaryllis.

HOMERIA COLLINA (BREYNIANA) ......................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Popular South African bulbous plant that may reach 18", the 1 1/2" golden yellow to peach
colored Sisyrinchium like flowers are produced from June to August.

HOMERIA OCHROLEUCA ........................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Stems to 2', yellow flowers stained orange at the center, with a musky scent.

HYACINTHELLA AZUREA (MUSCARI AZUREA) ................................. PRICE 1@ $6.50

Its a small Grape Hyacinth-like plant from Turkey, with flaring campanulate bells.


HYACINTHUS HISPANICA ROSEA ......................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Close to Non-Scripta but more robust with erect and more open flowers, hybrids between the
two are common, and many named forms exist.


Bluebells, well-known woodland colonizer, an excellent plant, see the photo in Rix, bulbs.

HYACINTHUS TABRIZIANUS ................................................................... PRICE 1@ $8.00

A fantastic dwarf species endemic to the region around Tabriz in Iran, 5mm wide leaves and a
tiny spike of 4mm white flowers that shade to blue at the tips, this elfin gem is perfect for a
trough or bulb frame.

HYMENOCALLIS AFF. LIRIOSOME ......................................................... PRICE 1@ $8.00

An eastern American bulb in the Amaryllidacaea that looks a bit like Pancratium, its commonly
known as a Spider Lily. We wouldn.t be surprised if these turn out to be coronaria or
occidentalis when they finally flower. The genus name translates to beautiful membrane, as in
the thing virgins often mysteriously lack. The snowy white yellow-throated flowers are extremely
fragrant and can reach 20cm across; they are hardy quite far north with protection.

HYMENOCALLIS LITTORALIS .................................................................. PRICE 1@ $8.00

Enough erotica, this has all the exciting attributes of the previous, but magnified to almost twice
the size, it.s native to Central and South America and tender.

IPHEION UNIFLORA ALBA ........................................................................ PRICE 1@ $6.50

South American but surprisingly hardy growing in temperate Argentina, this has been a Brodia
and Tritelia at one time or another the confusion dates to antequity, starry 4cm fls open in sun.

IPHEION UNIFLORA 'PINK FORM' .......................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

An apparently unnamed pink form courtesy of Marion, much rarer in cultivation than the blue

IPHEION „ROLF FIELDLER. ........................................................................ PRICE 1@ $6.50

A gift several years ago from Marion Jarvie, we grow this in a cold greenhouse and it puts on
quite a display with big clear blue flowers. There are about ten species of Ipheion, although
uniflora seems to be the only one in general cultivation, and Rolf Fielder is either a selection or
hybrid of it.

LACHENALIA FISTULOSA ......................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Spotted leaves and light yellow flowers with darker tips .

LACHENALIA LILIFLORA ........................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

flowers white inners segments protruding with magenta tips

LACHENALIA ORCHIOIDES ...................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Leaves may be spotted or not, flowers strongly fragrant multicolored with subtle shadings that
are hard to describe.

LACHENALIA PUSTULATA BLUE ........................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Strange pustule like warts on the leaves, this is an odd little bulb from the Cape, creamy yellow
campanulate flowers on 1' stems.

LAPEIROUSIA DIVERICATA ...................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

White to cream pink marked flowers 30cm similar to Anomatheca laxa.

LEUCOJUM AESTIVUM .............................................................................. PRICE 1@ $6.50

Commonly known as Summer Snowflake an English native related to Galanthus, bell shaped
milky flowers tipped in green, it is moisture tolerant and great for naturalizing

LEUCOJUM AUTUMNALE ......................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Fall flowering as you would expect, leaves appear after the flowers 1-3 white flowers with a pink
tinge on 6" stems.


We have been slowly amassing quite a collection of species Lilies, , all are
seed grown and should be free of some of the virus problems that plague
many of the cheap imports. Seed grown Lilies grow on quickly once planted
out, and usually flower within a year or two of planting, although some slow
species can take up to seven years. Bulb sizes may look small but some of
these species just naturally have small bulbs. Checking the collection date
should help you gauge bulb size, some flower for us first year from seed in
the greenhouse.


These came in wild collected out of China and are first generation seedlings grown isolated,
they appear to be rosthornii which is variously listed as a form of henreyi, or a species in it.s
own right, very large orange flowers with spots and fleshy protruding warts, absolutely

LILIUM AFF. REGALE 03 CH 299 .......................................................... PRICE 1@ $15.00

Big white trumpets Hans from Shady Oaks collected them in China in 2003.

LILIUM DAVIDII WILMONTTIAE ............................................................ PRICE 1@ $15.00

China, the stoloniferus bulbs are grown for food in its native range, var. wilmontii has up to 100
flowers on stems that can reach 2.2m. Flowers are bright orange Turk's caps.

LILIUM LANCIFOLIUM ................................................................................ PRICE 1@ $8.00

If one more customer confuses Tiger Lilies with Daylilies, we are going to bury them up to their
neck in the compost pile. It is likely that these are the only virus free Tiger Lilies you will ever
see, as near as I can tell everything in cultivation is infested with one or in most cases several
viruses to which it is largely immune but will spread Typhoid Mary fashion to other lilies in your
collection. (Most of the commercial Dutch lilies also harbor viruses so don.t panic about
lancifolium). These are seed grown, not raised from stem bulbils, which is a big culprit in the
spread of viruses (seed being inherently virus free). If tiger lily abstinence is not for you then do
the right thing and practice safe lily sex.

LILIUM LANCIFOLIUM 'FLORE PLENO' ............................................... PRICE 1@ $12.00

This has been in cultivation since the 17th century propagated vegetatively via stem bulbils so it
probably harbors one or more symptomless lily viruses. I am wary of these old cultivars,
although some have been meristemmed and cleaned up. It is still safe to grow but you may
want to keep it isolated from your species lily collection or adopt a regular spray program to
control vectors. Recreating it via backcrossing should result in virus free plants, if anyone does
so let us know.

LILIUM MICHIGANENSE .......................................................................... PRICE 1@ $12.00

Always a favorite, we grew these from seed a few years ago, these are the typical form; we
really should propagate a few of the variants (a blatant hint to Fred and Tony)

LILIUM SUPERBUM ..................................................................................... PRICE 1@ $8.00

Large 6-8' pagoda of downward facing orange Lilies, with reflexed and spotted petals, up to 40
to a stem; it is similar to Lilium martagon. Please do not confuse this wonderful plant with those
ugly orange wild daylilies.

LILIUM ASIATIC HYB MIXED .................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

These are mixed seed grown forms that we raised from named parents. A nice color range,
virus free these are easy and extremely showy.

LILIUM ASIATIC HYB 'SPACIOUS LIVING' ........................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Large yellow flowers without spots.


Multiple clones from Charlie.s breeding program with green nectarines, most have some
henreyi in their background. Exotic looking and quite different from anything you are likely to
encounter in your local garden center, Charlie has deemed them unworthy of a name however
they are a fantastic value. The bulbs are flowering size or nearly so and in my estimation, nearly
every one is good enough to name, especially when compared to some of the crappy stuff in the
trade. If you are looking for a one of a kind lily for your garden this is it.

LYCORIS .................................................................... SEE PERENNIAL SECTION

MONTBRETIA SECURIGERA ..................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

An obscure orange flowered thing, Montbretias are now mostly Crocosmias but securigera is
virtually unknown by any name.

MOREA AFF. STRICTA ................................................................................ PRICE 1@ $6.50

Very tough and not to be messed with, the leather corset and whip easily distinguish it from less
dominant species.

MOREA EDULUS (FUGAX) ......................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Showy South African Irid; 12-50cm, ephemeral flowers strongly scented, yellow or blue, corms
edible and reportedly pleasant tasting; once an important food source for early Cape settlers.
Moreas are among the showiest of Cape bulbs and deserve a place in the garden of every bulb

MOREA PAPILENACAEA ............................................................................ PRICE 1@ $6.50

Attractive yellow flowers with brown markings dance like butterflies above clumps of Iris-like
leaves, South Africa.

MOREA TRIPETALA ..................................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

What a creative name, (a bunch of these have three petals) the slender Iris chrysographys-like
flowers however are quite distinct, exquisite gentian blue with a white bearded throat; there is a
good photo in the Color Encyclopedia of Cape Bulbs.

MOREA VEGETA ........................................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Flowers in a variety of colors yellow brown pink or blue, always with yellow nectar guides.

MUSCARI AUCHERI ..................................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

An outstanding species from Turkey, the Iranian tubergenianum is often considered a form of
this with azure blue flowers shading paler or white on the lobes.

MUSCARI BOTRYOIDES ALBA ................................................................. PRICE 1@ $6.50

Just in case you prefer white grapes.

MUSCARI BOTRYOIDES HELDRICHII .................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

This does not appear to differ significantly from plain botryoides.

MUSCARI BOURGAEI .................................................................................. PRICE 1@ $6.50

Western Turkey at alpine levels, deep violet blue obovoid flowers with white teeth.

MUSCARI COMOSUM .................................................................................. PRICE 1@ $6.50

Strange looking with a tassel of frilly sterile flowers sitting atop the normal flower scape, the
finger in a light socket effect wins it a place in our gardens.

MUSCARI LATIFOLIUM ............................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

From Turkey and very distinct, bulbs send up a single wide strap-like leaf, and a foot high spike
topped with Bellevalia-like dark violet fertile flowers and blue sterile ones giving a two tone

MUSCARI NEGLECTUM .............................................................................. PRICE 1@ $6.50

It.s hardly neglected, the prototype and most widely grown Grape Hyacinth.

MUSCARI PALLENS ..................................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

An intriguing species from the Caucasus, flowers are pale blue to nearly white, quite attractive
and seldom offered.

MUSCARI SZOVITSIANUM ........................................................................ PRICE 1@ $6.50

I believe this has now been lumped into armenaicum, which it is clearly related to.

MUSCARI TUBERGENIANUM ................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Rare Iranian species, the pure sky blue flowers are probably the best in the genus, related to
and sometimes included in M. aucheri.

NARCISSUS ASSOANUS ............................................................................ PRICE 1@ $8.00

A cute dwarf species native to France and Spain, Blanchard places it in section Jonquillae,
however the AGS Encyclopedia considers it to have affinities to Cyclamineus. Long known as
Narcissus juncifolius, it was for a time considered part of requienii and now hails to assoanus; it
thrives in dryish alkaline soils and is easy as a pan plant in the alpine house.

NARCISSUS BULBICODIUM ...................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

The hoop petticoat, fat bells with a tiny corona, my favorite species Narcissus as you might
deduce from the following list, some are very rare in the wild all are seed raised

NARCISSUS BULBOCODIUM EUROSEED #228A ............................... PRICE 1@ $8.00

Wild form from seed collected by mojmir, these are mostly dwarfish with large flowers, the
bulbocodium tyoes have done well for us both in a cold greenhouse and in the open garden.

NARCISSUS BULBOCODIUM CITRINUS ................................................ PRICE 1@ $6.50

Generally plants with pale yellow flowers, the situation is complex check out Blanchard if you
are interested in the gory details.

NARCISSUS BULB. BULBICODIUM CONSPICUUS ............................ PRICE 1@ $6.50

Narcissus bulbocodium citrinus is often considered a pale flowered form of this. but true citrinus
is shorter than conspicuus.

NARCISSUS BULB. BULBOCODIUM FILIFOLIUS ............................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Thready foliage, its similar to tenuifolius.

NARCISSUS BULB. BULBICODIUM NIVALIS ....................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Large flowers to 3.6cm across, tepals with green tips, Morocco, lives up to its name.

NARCISSUS BULB. BULBOCODIUM OBESUS ..................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Fat flowers, to 3.4 cm one of the most attractive forms, Atlas Mts.

NARCISSUS BULB. BULBOCODIUM TENUIFOLIUS .......................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Dwarf form with very slender foliage, flowers similar to the type.


An excellent form from Jim and Jenny Archibald, flowers are very large and lighter in color than
the typical bulbocodium

NARCISSUS CANTABRICUS WILD WHITE ......................................... PRICE 1@ $19.00

By far my favorite narcissus, this form came from the archibalds and is very close to
petunioides, indeed I see little diference except this is a better grower. the big flat white flowers
are amazing.

NARCISSUS CANTABRICUS VAR. FOLIOSUS Ex Archibald ........... PRICE 1@ $15.00

Seedlings from an Archibald collection of this rare Moroccan endemic, these represent some of
the finest Narcissus we have ever grown, colors range from yellow to near white, huge petunia
flowers, winter blooming and best in an alpine house.

NARCISSUS CAVANILLESII ARCHIBALD699.951 .......................... PRICE 1@ $15.00

A rather tender fall blooming species native to southern Spain and Morocco, formerly known as
Tapeinanthus humilis, flowers are starry and upward facing, this is a unique plant and no
Narcissis collection should be without it,

NARCISSUS CORDUBENSIS ................................................................ PRICE 1@ $15.00

a member of the cyclanineus group taxonomically close to ferdanessii, this 8” tall spanish
species has charming yellow flowerss and is not common in cultivation.

NARCISSUS FERNANDESII Ex Archibald ............................................... PRICE 1@ $8.00

These are actually from a Blanchard collection in the Tagus drainage that may produce some
interesting variations; with Blanchard and Archibald origins, these are your best chance to
acquire the real thing.

NARCISSUS JONQUILLA ........................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

The prototype daffodil, it looks pretty much as you would expect.

NARCISSUS MINOR ................................................................................... PRICE 1@ $15.00

A small thing from Spain and the Pyrenees, poorly known in the wild, I read Blanchard and end
up more confused than ever, to call Narcissus taxonomically complex is an understatement
NARCISSUS NEVADENSIS Ex Archibald ............................................... PRICE 1@ $15.00

An isolated and very local Sierra Nevada endemic, Jim and Jenny collected it from a wet, west
facing slope in the upper Rio Monachil valley at 2,200m. It is known from only one small colony,
it is widespread in cultivation but very endangered in the wild, attempts should be made to keep
these stocks pure. Distinct from all but longispathus with its bicolored white and pale yellow
flowers 2-4 to a stem, its much easier to grow than longispathus.

NARCISSUS OBVALLARIS Ex Archibald EX WALES ......................... PRICE 1@ $15.00

A rare plant in the wild but easy and excellent in the garden, there is some question as to
whether it is actually an ancient escape and not really native to Wales. Flowers are similar in
color to N. hispanicus, this is the real thing wild collected not far from Jim and Jenny.s home.

NARCISSUS REQUIENII ............................................................................. PRICE 1@ $8.00

Wild collections by Holubec, this is apparently now lumped into Narcissus assoanus (see
above), by any name an excellent plant.

NARCISSUS ROMIEUXII EX „JULIA JANE. SELFED ........................ PRICE 1@ $15.00

Seedlings from „Julia Jane., an extreme petunioides like plant with yellow flowers that is named
after Archibalds daughter, the parent is probably the finest romieuxii in cultivation.

NARCISSUS ROMIEUXII HYB .................................................................. PRICE 1@ $6.50

Similar to bulbocodium but with broader more open bell of creamy sulfur yellow, with exerted
stamens, romieuxii is one of the best species.

NARCISSUS ROMIEUXII MESATLANTICUS ........................................ PRICE 1@ $6.50

A tall, pale yellow form of romieuxii from N. Africa, its always a favorite here but with few well
defined morphological characters it probably should be lumped.


This is the form from the Rif Mountains of Morocco, where it grows in cedar woods on
limestone, shorter than the typical form; flowers are generally pale in color.

NARCISSUS RUPICOLA ............................................................................. PRICE 1@ $6.50

Broad petaled flat flowers with a small central trumpet,-cute if you like the yellow happy face
look, Spain.

NARCISSUS SCABERULUS ..................................................................... PRICE 1@ $15.00

One of the tiniest Narcissus scaberulus is endemic to a small region of the upper Mondego
Valley in Portugal, it is generally regarded as one of the ancestral species. The 18mm flowers
are produced on short scapes of one to five blossoms.

NARCISSUS X 'NYLON' .............................................................................. PRICE 1@ $8.00

Really more of a grex than a clone (actually its more of a plastic but a cut above those cheesy
plastic spring bulbs that you see in full bloom 12 months of the year.) In cultivation it is
represented by numerous similar forms. It originated as a cross between Narcissus romieuxii
and Narcissus cantabricus var. foliosus made by Blanchard.s father. Several including „Taffeta.
were named and the balance sent to Alec Gray who went on to distribute multiple clones under
the name „Nylon.. As you might guess from the parents and the breeder, it is excellent.

NARCISSUS EX „TAFFETA. ....................................................................... PRICE 1@ $8.00

A named selection from the „Nylon. grex selected by Blanchard.s father „Taffeta„ resembles a
good white cantibricus these are seedlings from taffeta, and excellent plants.

NECTAROSCORDUM SICULUM ............................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Allium relative commonly known as Honey Garlic with pendant flowers rather larger than most
Alliums, Europe.

ORNITHOGALUM ARCUATUM ................................................................. PRICE 1@ $6.50

Native to Iraq this has not been a weed at least so far, rather large white flowers

ORNITHOGALUM EXSCAPUM .................................................................. PRICE 1@ $6.50

A Mediterranean species, it's similar to sibthorpii with 3cm white flowers on short stems.

ORNITHOGALUM SCHLECTERIANUM .................................................. PRICE 1@ $6.50

South African, twisted delicate stems and white starry flowers.

ORTHROSANTHUS CHIMBORACENSIS ................................................ PRICE 1@ $6.50

Native to Central and South America with large blue flowers on 1-2. branching stems a bit like a
huge flowered blue eyed grass.

OXALIS SEE ...................................................................... PERENNIAL SECTION

PANCRATIUM MARITIMUM .................................................................... PRICE 1@ $12.00

A weird mutant white Daffodil looking thing with extremely fragrant flowers on 18" stems, cool
plants similar to Hymenocallis, native to S. Europe

POLYXENA CORYMBOSA .......................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

From the winter rainfall regions of the Cape, small Scilla-like bulbs produce of a half dozen 2cm
violet purple flowers in late autumn. We suspect that this is actually Polyxena longituba. “One
time at band camp” … no wait that was a flute …”what.s my name bitch”.

ROMULEA AUTUMNALIS ........................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

This is the fall blooming one, bright pink flowers very showy.

ROMULEA BULBOCODIUM ......................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Crocus-like species from the Mediterranean; violet flowers, one of the hardier species.

ROMULEA BULBOCODIUM LEICHTLINIANA ....................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Crocus-like like bulb, flowers white with a yellow center from purple buds,

ROMULEA PRATENSIS ............................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

There are about 95 species of Romulea; this is the rare and obscure one that no one bothers to
describe, possibly introduced to the Romulans from Vulcan.

ROMULEA ROSEA ........................................................................................ PRICE 1@ $6.50

A showy pink flowered species from the cape that naturalizes well.

ROMULEA SALDANHENSIS ....................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Crocus like with glossy deep yellow flowers streaked yellow in the throat.

SCILLA AUTUMNALIS ................................................................................. PRICE 1@ $6.50

A delicate little fall flowering plant, native to dry grassy places in Europe and flowering before
the leaves appear.

SCILLA CAMPANULATA MIXED ............................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Apparently conspecific with hyacinthioides hispanica.

SCILLA NON SCRIPTA ................................................................................ PRICE 1@ $6.50

See hyacinthioides non scripta = Scilla non scripta for description

SCILLA MORRISII ARCH 875.605 .............................................................. PRICE 1@ $15.00

A local Cyprian endemic inhabiting moist shaded crevices and banks under oaks, in the Paphos
district at 700m, 10cm scapes bear 3-5 milky white flowers tinged lilac with pale blue anthers.
This truly rare and beautiful bulb is virtually unobtainable through conventional sources.

SCILLA PERUVIANA .................................................................................. PRICE 1@ $12.00

Despite the name (Lineaus thought it came from Peru) it's not from Peru but the Mediterranean
regions, 20-100 starry violet blue flowers on foot high stems.

SPARAXIS BULBIFERA ............................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Iridaceous species from South Africa with 15-50cm scapes of creamy flowers very different from
the commercial Sparaxis most gardeners are familiar with.

SPARAXIS SP. MIX ....................................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

A mix we grew from seed exchange seed, very gaudy.

TRITELLIA LAXA ........................................................................................... PRICE 1@ $8.00

Commonly known as Ithuriels Spear (way too many biblical references for me but apparently
just the thing if you are plagued with satanic toads, Pipa pipa perhaps); or if you prefer
Grassnut. It is supposed to be delicious both raw and cooked, umbels of blue flowers atop 30cm
stems, this Brodia-like bulb is native to the West Coast.

TRITELLIA PEDUNCULARIS RATKO 95-500 ...................................... PRICE 1@ $12.00

An impressive species native to the inner north costal ranges, flowers are similar to laxa but
white with violet tints individual perianths are 4-6” long forming starburst inflorescences up to
10” wide atop two foot stems, in the wild it is often found on vernally moist serpentine gravel
flats that line the dry watercourses.

TULBAGHIA COMISSII ................................................................................ PRICE 1@ $6.50

Flowers to almost 2cm wide, six glistening white petal lobes spread flat the stamen tips forming
a purplish pink eye; flowering in autumn and very fragrant after dark it was described in 1957
from the Eastern Cape.

TULBAGHIA NATALENSIS ......................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

18" tall with sweet scented violet blue flowers, from South Africa, probably safest in the alpine
house. We have not yet tried them outside but with South African stuff you never know, some
prove completely hardy others turn to mush.

TULBAGHIA VIOLACAEA ........................................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Umbels of sweet scented flowers atop 60cm stems, this is commonly known as society garlic
and presumably is edible, although I cannot personally attest to the fact (Here at Arrowhead we
are just not the society types)

ZEPHYRANTHES CITRINA ........................................................................ PRICE 1@ $6.50

A dwarf with scapes only reaching 13cm and bearing bright yellow 2" flowers.

ZEPHYRANTHES DRUMMONDII .............................................................. PRICE 1@ $6.50

A fragrant night blooming species from Texas, like many night bloomers flowers are white, up to
7.5cm long, with a tinge of red, big sphinx moths should find it irresistible.

ZEPHYRANTHES GRANDIFLORA ............................................................ PRICE 1@ $6.50

Rain Lily, open-faced bright pink flowers; great container plants, they bloom after each rain all
summer long.

ZEPHYRANTHES 'LA BUFA ROSEA' ....................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

Whats with the rosy toad? Very light pink nearly white flowers in summer, this was found by
Yucca Do and is considered to be an intergeneric cross between Cooperia and Zephyranthes.

ZEPHYRANTHES MACROSIPHON ........................................................... PRICE 1@ $6.50

A large pink flowered Mexican species somewhat similar to grandiflora but a bit smaller, give it
plenty of water.

ZIGADENUS ELEGANS ................................................................................ PRICE 1@ $8.00

White Camas, native over much of the Western U.S., bulbous to 3' thriving in rich moist sites,
keeled leaves, grow in clumps and sprout racemes of greenish white flowers; much hardier than
the following.

ZIGADENUS FREMONTII ............................................................................ PRICE 1@ $8.00

Bulbous species in the Lily family with fairly showy creamy white flowers it has a sinister
reputation as a poisonous plant. We have not seen any carcasses of garden vermin around the
base of the plants, although a few less deer and bunnies wouldn't break my heart.